These past three months have truly been unprecedented. No one could have foreseen the dramatic effect COVID-19 would have on individuals, families, and businesses in New York State and around the globe. LMT has taken rigorous steps to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases.
As We All Re-Open
Jun 18, 2020 3:01:00 PM / by Alma Vieru posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, New York Reopens
Don't Let Returning Computers Infect Your Office
May 6, 2020 8:00:00 PM / by LMT Tech posted in IT, security, technology, Cyber-Security, Cybersecurity, ITSupport, COVID-19, Remote workforce returning to the office, New York Reopens, Returning to the Office
Just as you should take precautions to make sure returning workers aren't sick, you will want to make sure returning computers are not sick as well. It is imperative that incoming computers are checked for infections and safety measures are performed before you allow them back onto the corporate network.