The LMT Blog

James Keeler, CISSP Earns Prestigious CMMC-RPA Credential

Jun 17, 2024 9:00:00 AM / by LMT Tech


James is one out of only 138 others worldwide to earn this credential.

Rochester, NY, June 11, 2024 - LMT Technology Solutions is proud to announce that James Keeler, CISSP, Senior Cybersecurity Architect, has earned the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Registered Practitioner Advanced (CMMC-RPA) credential from The CyberAB, the official accreditation body for the CMMC ecosystem appointed by the Department of Defense.

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Alert from KnowBe4 - New Silicon Valley Bank Meltdown Social Engineering Attacks

Mar 22, 2023 11:00:00 AM / by KnowBe4 posted in Cybersecurity


On Saturday March 11, I warned about the coming wave of phishing attacks that would undoubtedly follow the SVB collapse. We were not disappointed.

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Alert from KnowBe4 - Keep Devices and Software Up to Date

Mar 8, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by KnowBe4 posted in Cybersecurity


You know that little pop-up prompting you to restart your computer for a software update? The one that only seems to come up when you’re in the middle of something important? As annoying as it may seem, this notification is actually a valuable asset to your cybersecurity. So, before you click the “Later” option, let’s take a closer look!

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Alert from KnowBe4 - Tax Season Scams

Feb 13, 2023 10:29:30 AM / by KnowBe4 posted in Cybersecurity, Tax Season


In most countries, it’s cybercriminals' favorite time of the year: tax season. Taxes are a sensitive topic that can easily be used to catch your attention or manipulate your emotions. Over the next few months, cybercriminals will likely mention taxes in phishing attacks and disinformation campaigns.

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