The LMT Blog

Multifactor Authentication: Because Passwords Aren't Enough

Sep 29, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by April L. Sy posted in IT, Cyber-Security, Cybersecurity, Email Compromise, Vendor Email Compromise, Cybercrime, Small Business, Phishing, MFA, 2FA, Multifactor Authentication


What is MFA and Why Aren't Passwords Alone Good Enough?

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), two-step verification, and Multi-Factor Verification (MFA) are all names for a process that makes the user prove their identity. MFA requires an individual to provide two or more credentials to authenticate their identity, thus adding an extra level of protection to user accounts.

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Alert from KnowBe4: PayPal Invoice Scams

Aug 25, 2022 12:31:44 PM / by KnowBe4 posted in technology, Cybersecurity, Email Compromise, Cyber Crime, Phishing


Email spam filters are useful tools that prevent many scam emails from arriving in your inbox. Many users rely on spam filters to block phishing emails and, as a result, trust that emails sent to their inbox are legitimate. Cybercriminals take advantage of this trust by using legitimate websites like PayPal to send phishing emails and avoid spam filter detection.
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Protect Your Enterprise from Russian Cyber Threats

Apr 4, 2022 2:00:59 PM / by LMT and KnowBe4


President Biden’s March 21 statement on cybersecurity urged private sectors to take immediate action on shoring up their defenses against potential cyberthreats in response to recent cyber attacks between Russia and Ukraine and the current intelligence coming from the U.S. Government. This is the latest and most urgent warning we have seen yet, following a series of regular reminders to implement robust cybersecurity measures since the fall of 2021.

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It's the Season for Cybercrime

Oct 13, 2021 10:44:44 AM / by James Keeler and April Sy posted in IT, technology, Cybersecurity


Retailers aren't the only ones who will profit this holiday season. Work and personal inboxes are flooded this time of year with enticing holiday shopping deals potentially using social engineering tactics that put your company at risk. The Holiday season is the biggest shopping season – and also the largest and most profitable phishing season for cybercriminals.

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